Friday, May 8, 2020

Evolved Generation

Gone are the days when children used to enjoy the pleasure of reading books and writing letters. I remember when I was small I used to love writing letters and giving birthday cards to my friends. Those were the simple joys in life. The other way round too, I would love to receive letters and cards. Going to the Library and choosing a book was a thrilling experience. Even now passing by my School Library gets me excited.
Then came the concept of Ecards and Egreetings, you could choose one online card and add some personalized message and click the send button. Now it's just another message on Whatsapp with an Emoji of a cake or something else. Yes..... the Emojjis have  landed. They have captured our emotions, so much, so that sometimes we are forced to use it even if we don't want to.😕
Soon Technology advanced, Social networking began.
Writing letters started fading...Why?? Coz we are no longer apart in connecting with our friends and family. The world has become smaller, we are in touch with them daily thanks to Whatsapp and FB and what not!!. There is nothing to look forward to, like waiting for the next letter or card, or receiving a telephone call from far away.
So what keeps the New Gen busy..............Their Phones of course
Making NEw videos, exploring New Apps, chatting with 'donno who is on the other end' , forwarding messages, listening to music, social networking, TIk TOking (where people ape others...kind of like a challenge)....and so on. Whatever they do has to be displayed to the World. Instagramming is in, calling up a friend is out. For some it might be a source of income for others it is just a way baosting or teasing. But what we get out of showcasing doesn't last long, unless there are ulterior motives. Its human nature to watch someone else's status  and feel how awesome they are, but that is not the reality or possibly not the exact intention of the one who displays it.
Attention span of the New Gen has reduced, and its difficult for them to take their eyes off their phones, as they are already addicted. Going out to observe nature, or people is boring. Doing Art on paper is boring.Their lives are so busy that, they have no time or interest to read Biographies or Autobiographies, as they feel they are already creating success out of their own lives, or trying to prove that they are.What ever said, there is also a good side of this too, which I will definitely share soon,but right now I feel good, as it is off my chest.😂
Also, the above is my view on being born in a different generation, while trying to imbibe whatever is remaining, on my teenage daughters.

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