It was a hot Summer. I was returning after my Grocery Shopping from the Local Nilgiris Supermarket. I was in a hurry to reach home and so was walking very fast. Some parts of the leftmost side(where I was walking) of the road, was under construction on approaching the main road. One had to be careful to walk on this road. While thinking about various chores I had to do for the day, from the corner of my eye, I got a glimpse of a fluorescent pink Saree lady with jingling bangles trying to overtake me in my stride. I didn't want to make way, as I too was in a hurry. Suddenly this lady gasps out loudly "Hai Rey". We had reached that part of the road which had been dug up deeply. I turned to help the lady just in case she needed any help.
As I glanced at her face, to my horror I find it wasn't a lady, but a man dressed up as a lady. One of those kind of people with peculiar expressions and mannerisms. He held his bangle filled hands to his face in terror. It was one of those strange moments in life where I didn't know whether to speak, smile or laugh ...or to cry ...or run off. My mind was laughing to see this strange person but I had to control my wicked feelings. For a moment I froze (tho my heart was beating very fast), not knowing what to do, as I didn't want to offend those Kind of people in anyway whatsoever. I looked in front of him if there was anything terrifying that he should gasp out loudly. But there was only a deep dug up ditch in the ground. To my relief he said "Madam Jaa" (almost angry that I was staring at him) with a peculiar expression of the hand pointing me the way in front of me. Thankfully, I walked off. Up to this day, I still don't know what terrified him/her but it remains a funny moment in life.