My Elder girl had(now getting better with age) this habit of watching TV, upside down from the time she was almost 3. I used to wonder what made her do such acrobatics...her head would be down on the sofa watching her favourite cartoon and her legs up in the air leaned against the back of the sofa. No matter how much I scolded her or spoke to her with love ,she wudn't budge. I even used to explain to her the bad after-affects specially after any ,meal. She just wudn't listen. I as a mom, wud think if she had any problem scientifically, but found no answers.
Some time ago when we went to Kerala for vacation. We went to visit my Sister-in Laws home after a long time. Lo and Behold, I see her elder daughter watching TV in the same position as my daughter does. For a moment I was surprised to see her do that and then we all were amused by the similarity. When I asked my SIL, she said thats her usual style. I also came to know that somebody else had these same characteristics as a child(TOP SECRET, else I will be strangulated). It was a releif for me ,as now I got the answer. Its all in the Genes.