Many moms go through difficult times when selecting a dress for their child(specially girls) . Usually I allow them to wear according their own tastes but when the child wants to wear the same dress all the time then we have to find a solution. Me and G argue a lot, when the time comes to select a dress after G's bath. For a very long time(about a year now) she likes this one particular dress every day after her bath. It is a beautiful Shiny flowery dress that I got stitched a year back. I stitched with the same cloth for both my girls. With the remaining cloth, I made 2 duppatas(shawls) out of it for them. G never gets fedup of wearing that frock with the additional setup(Duppatta) everyday. Even though her shelf is full of pretty dresses, she insists on wearing the same dress. Tho I liked it when i bought the cloth the first time, now i don't like the sight of it. Sometimes I hide it from the shelf and make excuses for the missing dress. For about a month i had to tell her that i left it in our native. Just recently I put it back on the shelf but i misplaced G's duppatta..So now the trend is, sharing L's duppatta. When L came to know that G's duppatta is missing ,she wants to wear it the same day G wears it. Now I have to make sure that L and G wear their dress on different days so that they get the duppata to themselves on the days either of them wear it. This is the biggest disadvanatage when they both have the same dress.
A few days ago my yunger one starting wearing her clothes by herself.Wearing the T-shirt and her skirt by herself really made me a proud mommy.