Being in an apartment means u r going to have plenty of neighbours. Some may have good neighbours and some may not. IF u have energetic kids at home and don't stay on the ground floor, it means u r not going to be a good neighbour to the one who stays below u. Kids could be a nuisiance to the neighbours below. Earlier when we moved in to this apmt,we didn't know the rules to being a friendly neighbour. WIthout my knowledge L threw banana peels out of the balcony which happend to fall on the extended balcony of my neighbour downstairs. She called us up and we had to make a friendly visit . She advised my girl who was almost 4 then about not throwing waste out of the balcony. L happily nodded. She just had to hear that to feel tempted to throw things out of the balcony all the time. I had to keep her away from the balcony initially. L did repeat it again once(again I was called up) but after she grew, it got solved. But then G grew up to take her place. She throws a few things even now ,however strict I am. But now I guess she's got used to it..We even have to keep the 9:30 PM deadline(as told to us by our neighbour, as her kids go to bed by then) after which we aren't supposed to let our kids jumping around in the house (which my kids r fond of till 11 at night). G specially, loves to jump (after 9:30) the moment I tell her that our neighbours kids are asleep. What to do ? My threats have deafened their ears.