Tuesday, May 12, 2020

School- The best place on Earth

Sounds of giggles
Sounds of  laughter
Patter of hands 
Flurry of feet
Twinkle in the eyes
Smiles and frowns
Whispers and screams
Endless dreams
Burst of Energy
Friends and Teachers

Busy classrooms
Greetings and Prayers
Circle Time
Timetables and Heavy Bags
Tiny tables and chairs
Colourful Boards
Scatter of Pencils
Piles of Books 
Silence and Attention
Questions and answers
Walking in a Line
Keeping Left
Snack Bell and Lunch Bell
Annual Day and Sports Day
Assemblies and Competitions
Scuffles of Bhayyas and Aunties
Yellow Buses
National Anthem
Home Time!!!!!

Experiments in Art 
Crafty Hands
Mental Math
Hands-on activities
Dance and Music
Physical Exploits
Beckoning Libraries
Rules and Discipline
Teaching and Learning
Tests and Exams
Accuracy and Errors 
Assessments and Revaluation
Remarks and  Reports

Clutter in Staff rooms
Observation by our Heads/Colleagues 
Lesson Plans and Rubrics
Board markers and Red Pens
Computers and Emails
Printouts and Events
Date sheet and Calendar 
Time Management 

That's School to me..

A throw of words above being a Teacher.......Nothing beats the feeling of being in School.

Oreo Biscuit cake

For all the Oreo biscuit fans and Novice bakers. Here is a very easy recipe with absolutely easily available ingredients

[INGREDIENTS] - Two 120gm Oreo biscuit packets - 1/2 Cup Milk - 1 Tsp Baking Powder

Grind the Oreo biscuits slightly in a dry mixer or you can even crush the biscuits with your hands too depending on the required texture you want and mix in the baking powder. Add milk slowly and mix with a ladle till everything blends in. Pour into a baking Tray and keep it for 20 min at 180 degrees. You can double up the proportion if you like. EEnjoy