My Grand mom (mom's mom) was such an innocent creature. As kids(me, my bro and my sis) when we used to visit our native from Kuwait , we used to be pampered by her. The moment we enter our Tharavadu ( old family house), she would ask my mom "Eee kdangallkku enthangillum kazhkaan kodakku"(give these kids something to eat). Whenever we entered even after a short trip ,she use to ask us the same thing. Back then we used to feel irritated hearing to it, it was as if we were landing from Somalia. Our cousins were staying there too. So we used to have fun times during vacations. There was a storeroom where Grandma used to keep mangoes and nice homemade goodies for us to eat whenever we wanted.
Grandma had genuine care for us. As she was suffering from Rheumatism and Diabetes , she had an odd way of walking with a slight tilt to one side. Whenever the phone used to ring in the house , she had to walk a long distance, since the rooms were like connected like the boogies of a train, from the kitchen to the drawing room. Now when I think of it, I feel I should have helped her in picking the phone and letting her avoid all the walking to and fro. But we were mischief makers then. We (me, my cousin and my Bro) would walk behind her imitating her same style of walk and she wouldn't even know that we were mocking her.
Grandma was so innocent that she would believe every lie that we as children told her. Once I applied red nail polish on my skin and told her that I was bleeding. She became frantic seeing the red color, and started calling out for her servants to attend to me. But I couldn't control my laughter and ran off. My Mom did give me good for fooling her. Then there were numerous times that Grandma would tell us something and we would disobey or pretend by not hearing, turning the music on loud etc. Grandma died when I was in my 12th. Now when I think of her, I feel that I could have shown her more love, even when we were small.