My elder girls is in Std 2. Her school follows the ICSE Board. They have got loads to study and most of the time ,we moms have to study first and then teach them. They have a chapter in Social Studies on family. I don't know how it was a few years ago, but now they have introduced a new kind of Family in the book due to the changing trend in the world. They need to learn about small family,large family, Joint family and "Single Parent family". When we sat down to study the chapter she asks me what is single parent family tho its clearly mentioned that its a family which has only one parent.
She tells :" Our family become Single parent family when DAd goes to Kerala with G(my yunger girl) for a few days, right?" We all smiled listening to her idea. She thinks the Single parent family is just a temporary situation in Life. At this age Kids r really curious about anything and everything. They won't be able to understand certain things inspite of explaining. But in order to satisfy her curiousity, gave her many examples. One example we gave is, when a parent passes away and so on. She felt sad when i mentioned it. She asks me"Will u die?". Then I had to explain that . She's got an idea by now,i guess. Sometimes it just so exhausting answering so many questions. I really Thank the Lord that there r 2 parents here.