Today is the day teachers should be proud of. A day in memory of all teachers who work hard and spend their life being selfless and who impart knowledge to the younger generation.The gift of teaching isn't a talent u find in everybody. I always fumbled when it came to teaching somebody and i certainly don't have the knack to rack brains through word of mouth and so I admire all teachers and their gift to teach. Me always loved literature and most often my fav teachers would be my English teachers.Lately I found 3 of my English teachers on Orkut who happened to teach me English during 3 different phases of my life. I am really fortunate to have found them. Does it mean that only English teachers seem to be keep in pace with the modern Social Networking system? I don't have any answers to that but from my experience ,I feel its very true. My English teachers have really done well in keeping in touch with all their old students. The latest info now is that,years later, My teachers have become my friends ...:)