Before the onset of mobiles, we would see moms chilling out with a cup of tea or coffee in the evenings. But with the mobile revolution here, moms don't feel lonely again,...forget the rest of the world.
I have been observing a lot of moms lately. U'll find them in the park gently leading their child to play, and then take out their de-stress weapon and start their verbal outpour. In between, she may forget to glance at her toddler, probably on the verge of falling. Can't blame the Mom too. She works hard the entire day, looking into every minute detail of her child and home. Its only when she gets her child out(or distracted for a while) that she gets a few minutes to pour out her heart. Some moms are found in their balconies, maybe coz they want some privacy from the home members or maybe some fresh air. Balconies are a place to relax, after all. But they must be aware of Birdwatchers like me.
Sometimes I get too inquisitive, to know who these moms would be talking to and what they are discussing.... the main reason being, that I don't possess this De-stress machine. In a way, it saves the lazy me, mobile maintainence and bills. Also me happy that I don't have to carry it along with my house keys and again, not to forget, I already have a landline. Some days I like being the odd one out, the other days I would be a little J (jealous), on watching moms chilling out on mobiles. Ask my friends their phone number and "Fattafatt" comes instant replies of 10 digit numbers. As for me I am trying to be content with Dad's 10 digits.