Linda was always there in class but was almost invisible. She was a pretty normal girl from Std 1 onwards. She had no close friends though she liked everybody in class. She wished she had one best friend with whom she could share her small small laughters, joys, sorrows and blues. That one friend would have made her life whole, she would think. She was mediocre in everything. Her looks were ordinary. Her class performance was average. She would watch close buddies in class and how they would walk about, play, how they would talk and what made them close.
There would be school annual programs but Linda would never get selected by her teachers though she would long for it. Deep within her heart she would pray that she would be chosen but every year she would return home broken hearted after selections. She loved to dance, sing or even act, but probably she was not extra-ordinary enough. And so she often felt invisible, dejected and despirited. In order to gain some friends sometimes she would crack jokes but even that did not bring anyone close enough. One particular year she got a part in a drama where she was to be the King's soldier, whose only role was to stand by his side till the drama got over but that was enuff to make her feel happy.
Seeing Linda's sorrows of not being accepted among her friends and teachers, her parents decide to enroll her for some dance classes. Linda slowly started having friends. She participates actively in Dance classes,programs,competitions conducted by the Dance school and even wins prizes. Her School teachers recognise the 'Once upon a time Invisible girl' and starts selecting her for the school annual programs . Linda now holds her head high. For the first time in her life after 6 years she feels 'accepted' and not a ghost anymore. The dejection she felt from when she was a child made her a mature girl. Later in life she looked out for other 'Invisible People' in her life and made them feel special. That was Linda's Exceptional talent.