Hello December.
I was just waiting for this month and yet I goofed up on the very first day of this month.
L is having her exams this week, a continuation of last week. Due to some mistake in my preparation of her timetable, I made her study EVS (Environmental Science) today early morning, instead of Hindi. Although she did revise a little during the weekend, yesterday the whole day we had gone out, only to return by Midnight.
The funniest part of it , is that I realized it only after L came from school today evening. My heart stopped for a second,when L told me it was Hindi and not EVS. I was sad that I couldn't prepare her well because L had always found Hindi, a little more difficult than the other subjects. I called up my friends to confirm and I discovered that my timetable with the dates ( which i had proudly stuck and displayed on the wall ) written, were all wrong. On top of it, because of VP Singh's death last week, Friday was a holiday here . That was the day of her EVS exam. So somehow, it caught on me , that only after EVS, were the rest of the exams.
This is the second time that it has happened to me. A similar situation had happened last year too. Thought I would learn from that incident, but seems like this is a part of me, that makes me "ME"....hahaha. Since L had revised Hindi a few times at home and in class, I was a little releived. My friends too comforted me, saying that after all, it was only a small exam.
G too was very cranky today and she was spitting a lot in her anger, trying to irritate us to the maximum. But we pretended not to pay her too much attention, as she would be stuck to that habit forever. I've never seen her like this.
The good thing that happened today, was that a very old friend of mine got in touch with me, after many many years. So it ended as a happy day after all. :)
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