L and G have different tastes when it comes to watching television. L loves her daily dose of cartoons. Tom and Jerry, Sponge BOB, Dora, Hattori, Perman, Ben10, ShinChan, etc . Lately she likes watching even serials like Sunaina. G is the opposite...she's not at all interested in cartoons. Very rarely do i find G watching a cartoon. Instead G likes to watch songs even tho she doesn't sit thru it entirely. Another thing G loves is watching Ads. When L goes for a break between her toons, G comes and watches all the ads. She wouldn't allow us to switch the channel. G also loves cookery shows. I have never seen any kid her age watching cookery shows. Hope atleast she turns out to be a better cook than me.
After a long time I got a chance to hold the TV remote in my hand. I just surfed to find a good movie last saturday and we happened to watch "Snow Dogs" on Zee Studio..My girls happened to join me in watching the movie, seeing me laughing hysterically. We thoroughly enjoyed it.Its got a very touching storyline too. There were many fierce looking dogs in the movie, specially one dog which looked almost like a wolf. After watching the movie I found it very strange that L wanted me to buy a dog with that Wolf-like appearance for her, whereas G was almost terrifed of the very mention of the word 'dog'.Not that I don't like dogs but looking after 2 kids i don't think i'll have time to look after a dog.
Talking bout Ads have u watched the latest Tata Sky Ad where Aamir Khan switches into a husband and wife at the same time....What an idea?? Simply Superb!!! Another one I like is the Ad where the Sumo wrestlers join in a crowd to form an aeroplane and take off into the air folding their legs....Hilariuos!
I also have a good laugh singing the Perman Cartoon song....Initially I used to wonder what was the meaning of the word "Perman" and then I found the answer in the songtitle itself. "Superman Se Su Huttaallo tho Perman Ban Gayya" ...funny isn't?
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