Whats with children and toys? Will there be an end to the number of toys piling up inspite of not buying for our own?
My house is overflowing with toys...toys here,toys there,toys everywhere...i need not take any toys to my native ..coz i have toys for my kids there too...toys at my in-laws house and toys at my parents. Toys r something that keep pouring into our house as gifts from friends and relatives. Particularly after a Birthday celebration, u will end up with many toys. Every year we donate some old ones to SOS and few old ones goes to my maid but still they come from nowhere.
All the cleaning was done by me every day...the most annoying being pieces of pieces of bricks, pencils, crayons, bangles(specially for girls) and puzzles scattered everywhere. I clean them up after they've gone to school and hide them, only to take them out again when my girls request innocently with false promises of cleaning up after play. When they r done, they go their own way which makes me the last one left in the room to clean up. Grrr...
If this goes on I think I will have to do it till they grow older. I have been thinking about it seriously these days. Better now than later. My girls have to take responsibilty atleast in the matter of cleanliness. Therefore I have adopted stringent measures for cleaning up after play. No more outdoor play until ething is cleaned up. Anything taken from its place has to be returned after use, at once. All cleaning should be done before going to bed. Although its impossible to keep monitoring, I am trying my level best. I don't know how long I have to be the monster figure in their lives. But judging by my own character, its likely that I will forget about it sooner or later, me being very softhearted to my girls. :)
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