Being a full time or working mom isn't easy. People may say that Mothers are born to be mothers. But kids who grow up seeing their mothers work, would want to follow the same example. I feel a mother becomes a mother by trial and Error method. Atleast thats the way for me. Every new day keeps me on my toes. WE have to learn from our mistakes on child rearing and managing a household.
A mom has to keep juggling plenty of things at a time. A typical day for a Mom starts with preparing food for the whole family early mornings, waking up her kids,packing their food and bags. If the kids are small she need to follow their timetable, sending them to school. Doing laundery. Ironing clothes,making the bed,keeping the house spic and span (altho maids do it these days)...whatever happens in her house has to be under her supervision. She has to do the provision shopping for her home and the lists she has to make for everybody is endless. Ensuring that the kids teeth r brushed, potty traning,teaching and inculcating in them good habits all come under a mothers resposibility.
Whats moms miss themselves most is their personal space. For me, after the the birth of my 1st kid, what i missed the most, was my sleep. I used to sleep a lot and would feel disppointed that my sleep cycle was not regular after my delivery. After they grew a little, the next thing i missed was, some time for myself. I would finish all my work, with the thought that being in the restroom atleast would give me some time for myself. But the moment i entered it , my girl would come asking: "Mama where r u? what r u doing inside ?" That really used to spoil my mood. Initially I would keep quiet(to control myself), but then they would keep repeating so much to my annoyance, that I would end up shouting at them.
Again I used to think that once they grow, that I would be more free. But then its back to square one, our studies begin with them entering school. We have to learn first to teach them. Teaching them to write and ensuring that they keep their books clean. FEw kids are born with such good habits but for kids like mine i have to keep repeating stuff. Sometimes my mouth aches with repeating things( I basically was a quiet person). Bringing discipline to my kids would take a lifetime I feel. By then I think i would become a Monster Mom. And then I wonder what I would do once my kids leave me. Its a saddening thought.
Finding time for onself is a skill that we moms have to develop over time. To sum it all up "Having kids and raising them up is the most challenging work on this earth". :)
I understand you. Felt/Feel like Monster Mom myself :(...and I'm afraid the kids agree