Thursday, July 31, 2008
Toy Animals

The Tagger
Last movie seen in a theatre?
I saw "Innathe Chintha Vishayam" 2 months back...not bad but loved to watch Meera JAsmine
What book are you reading?
I read the "Diary of a Young Girl" courtesy my sister...beautiful book.
Favorite board game
Favorite magazine
Don't have any tho i have a suscribed to Week, Outlook and Outlook Money
Favorite smells
I love the smell of Aroma candles.The smell of a deliciuos food specially Biriyani makes me go crazy.
Favorite sound
Sound of my children singing, or when they call "mama"when they come home
What is the first thing you think of when you wake up?
what is the time??
Favorite fast food place
Calcutta Chaat
Future child’s name
Have 2 kids already
Finish this statement, “If I had a lot of money I’d…
I'd buy lots and lots of clothes specially for my girls.
Do you drive fast?
No,coz i don't
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Never...L sleeps with a green Beanie bear close to her.
Favourite drink
Any kind of fruit Juice
Do you eat the stem of broccoli?
Storms - Cool or Scary?
Cool and Scary
If you could dye your hair any color, what would be your choice?
Me a little more older and it'll be brown black
Name all the different cities/towns you have lived in
Heistrestrasse,Eulengasse,Concorde street...and the list goes on
Favourite sports
I Love Sports ...waiting for Olympics. to be specific i like athletics swimming, tennis, iceskating, gymnastics.
One nice thing about the person who sent this to you
Nice and Kindhearted
What’s under your bed?
Morning person or night owl?
Night Owl
Over easy or sunny side up?
Over Easy ...sometimes the other way round also.
Favorite place to relax
MY bed or infront of my PC
Favorite pie
Mariebiscuit Pie
Favorite ice cream flavor
You pass this tag to
Somebody please take this tag from me... ;)
Of all the people you tagged this to, who’s most likely to respond first?
Somebody Will
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Fancy Dress

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Gloomy days

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008
Tip of the Day
Friday, July 25, 2008
Ladies Day Out

Tip of the Day
Thursday, July 24, 2008
PHEW!!Exam time Over!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tip of the Day
Gold has had a great run from 2001 to the current year 2008 where the prices have gone from around 250$/ounce to break its previous high of 850$/ounce and peak at 1030$/ounce before correcting to the 900 levels.
The reason for gold prices to increase so much is the new demand for Gold Investment in this volatile market. Gold as a form of investment used:
As a hedge against inflation
As a hedge against a declining dollar
As a safe haven in times of geopolitical and financial market instability
As a commodity, based on gold supply and demand fundamentals
As a store of value
As a portfolio diversifier; gold can act as portfolio insurance
Different ways of investing in this precious metal in the order of preference is given below.
1) Investing in GOLD ETFs like Benchmark Bees or UTI Gold
2) Buying bars
3) Buying coins
4) Buying ornaments.
Monday, July 21, 2008

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Small Surprises

Friday, July 18, 2008
Tip of the Day
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Play Time

My girls fight all the time never agreeing on the same thing while playing with each other, but there are few games that they play together...one is the house game...they build a house with all the available Pillows in the house making them as walls so that each one gets a room.
Immediatly she told told 'G' to kneel down and pray as how they do in the church. L went into the bedroom with the Duppatta. I was continuing with my work as I really didn't understand , what my girls were playing. I even asked 'L' why she was giving punishment to 'G'. 'G' kneels down on the carpet happily and starts singing aloud in some unknown language as she ususally does when she pretends, as if she's singing in church. Around 3-4 minutes later(probably fedup of singing alone), 'G' calls out " WHere is the bride aunty"? L comes running out from the bedroom in her halfdress and Duppatta on her head as the veil of the bride....It was only then that I understood that they were enacting a marriage ceremony in church. I was amused watching my girls play the rest of the scenes.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Keep Learning

Dear Friends,
thank u all for ur overwhelming response....i never thot that I would get such tremendous support from the time i started my blog.....thanx once again.
I will be putting in posts only on alternate days from now on....if i do have anything interesting ,i would break that rule too. ....:)
If any of u desire to learn something but feel thats its impossible......think of it once again!.....If God is with u, Anything is Possible !
I never thot that I would learn swimming fast, as I thot it was nearly Impossible!...in the same way, back in college..i had the desire to learn to play the guitar and i did that too...I had to put in hardwork too to learn playing (tho i do not know the basics even now). I managed to learn playing the chords with the help of a few friends( a big thanx to K and R) .
Life is so full of stuff to learn and I don't hope to sit idle. I do hope that all of u too, would learn something new or atleast try to.
I used to have a skipping rope with me for many years which i never used. Surprisingly,now my elder daughter uses it. One day she took it out with her to play and now she's learned to use it without any help.
So to all of u out there....Keep Trying and Keep Smiling!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tip of the Day
Would You ?

Monday, July 14, 2008
Exploits in Water

I got a chance again, a week back, to learn, coz a friend was going to the Pool daily for a swim. I took this opportunity to learn swimming again. I get some free time now since my yunger child has started school this year.Though the past few days i've only been splashing water in our apmt pool, I never thought that I would be successful since there's only been some directions from a few good friends on how to learn and some tips on breathing ,floating and basics. Not being trained by a professional didn't stand as a barrier to me as learning to swim was what I wanted to do somehow. My hardwork and Perseverance paid . And Of course, Somebody up there helped me too!
Now I need not feel J(jealous), when I watch the swimmers in the coming OLympics!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tribute to a Virtuous Woman

10 A wife of noble character who can find?
11 Her husband has full confidence in her
12 She brings him good, not harm,
13 She selects wool and flax
14 She is like the merchant ships,
15 She gets up while it is still dark;
16 She considers a field and buys it;
17 She sets about her work vigorously;
18 She sees that her trading is profitable,
19 In her hand she holds the distaff
20 She opens her arms to the poor
21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;
22 She makes coverings for her bed;
23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,
24 She makes linen garments and sells them,
25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;
26 She speaks with wisdom,
27 She watches over the affairs of her household
28 Her children arise and call her blessed;
29 "Many women do noble things,
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
31 Give her the reward she has earned, and
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Typical Study Time

By then the day would almost be over. All these, requires me to use my mouth and voice and most of the time it aches. My nap in the afternoon and the Energy drink I have everyday to teach her is all used to its optimum.
Investment in Equity

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Probably My Imagination!

It was a year after the 9/11 Blasts in the US and that was the main coz of my worry throut this following situation . WE would hear of terrorists here,terrorists there etc and then this event happened once.
We were returning from the US and on the way to BOmbay,our transit was in Paris Airport. We had to spend a few hours in Paris. When we reached there, the time was after Midnight. There were only a few people waiting for the nxt flight, otherwise the place was almost deserted. My hubby had gone to the restroom to freshen up and I was waiting there with my elder girl (who was One year old then).
One fellow who was sitting nearby was getting friendly with my elder girl. He was in his early thirties not knowing fluent English. My girl and that stranger were having fun making faces at each other. After some time ,this fellow asks me if I know Arabic...I said that I didn't. We then shifted to another place as I felt something fishy bout him .Also I had a feeling that he was following us. I was still waiting for My husband who was taking longer than Usual. Again this fellow comes and tries to be friendly. He had a shoulder bag in his hand. He suddenly says something and then leaves his bag right next to me and hurries off. I was dumbstruck.
I didn't know what to do...there were a zillion things running thru my MInd but the greatest worry was "WAS IT A BOMB?" the next thing on my mind was to flee the place....the problem was that I had to gather 3 carry bags and a child ....i somehow grabbed all the bags and my girl and rushed towards the my Husbands restroom...i thot my heart which was beating hard would come out of my mouth and burst ....luckily my husband had just came out and I explained ething to him . He told me to calm down as he thought I was imagining stuff.
We went walking back eying the bag at the same time. A few seconds later that fellow came running, took his bag and left. O MY! what a releif. I can't think of going thru a similiar situation again.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tip for the Day

As a youngster, you have more cash at your disposal. Start your investments early. Planning a house as soon as you are settled in your first job is a good idea. Anytime is good for investing in a house to live in. Think twice in these days of inflation/high interest rates etc when you look for a second house. Investing in a plot in the city where you plan to retire might be a good idea. Invest in other asset classes like stocks/gold/silver even if it is in a small way. Avoid Fixed deposit as far as possible, as it gives pathetic returns and also the returns are taxed heavily. If you haven’t done so start looking at stocks where the tax treatment is very amicable. Even if you make loads of profit from stocks you can get exemption from paying tax , through legal means. We’ll discuss this in coming days.
Tip for the Day

Ask the question like “Do I really need it ?”, “Is there an alternate option ?”, “Can I afford it ?”, before every purchase, especially for big ticket purchases like a home or a car. Banks might be lining up for providing loans. But should you really go for that huge three bed room apartment or that luxury sedan? Ask questions to yourself on affordability, maintenance etc. For eg: one may have to shell out more on property tax, registration, wood work (and higher charge even for the maid who cleans the house !) when it comes to a bigger residential unit. And in the case of a Sedan think of the insurance , fuel efficiency etc. Don’t just go for such purchases just to show off. Do your math!!
Monster Mom

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Stress Free?

Stress and worries in life have made us look rude. Life is too precious to be spent worrying. If one has a will, living a stress -free life is not that difficult. Have we ever asked ourselves what we are looking for in life ? What could be the answer? All Questions lead to this answer, 'Peace of Mind'. Where can you find it ? Look within yourself !! I agree, its a broader subject altogether.
One of the many reasons for stress is worrying about things like “How will I repay my housing loan ?” , “ What if there is a lay off ?”, “ How will I find money for my next months vacation ?”. Isn’t it True ? Financial Worries lead to greater stress. Money isn’t everything, but not having enough of it for the basic necessities, causes so much stress one can't just imagine. Here are a few tips to attain ones Financial Nirvana. It might be useful in these days of higher inflation and living costs.
Most of the points won’t apply equally for all. However I’ve kept it generic and it’ll be a good beginning. Your comments and suggestions are welcome. So from tomorrow, there will be a simple tips under this link, for keeping your Home Finance straight and bringing a smile back to your face.
Welcome to a Stress Free Life !!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Shanghamugham Beach Episode

That day really shook all of us and we kept thanking GOd that he saved us. It didn't matter whether that hefty man was drunk or not, we were thankful to him too . I wudn't be sitting here and writing this if I weren't saved that day.
Sunday, July 6, 2008


Saturday, July 5, 2008
Innocent Blood

Thus saying the Lord places a curse on Cain.
Every Innocent blood shed will be avenged, if not by Men, BY God Himself! Every crime will come into light because there is a God who watches over us all.
Friday, July 4, 2008
Sleep and Smile

Is an art of Living.
Sleep and Smile,
Work a long Mile.
Sleep for your Body,
A time to rest.
A Smile for your Buddy,
Is what they need Best.
Sleep to forget,
Your Worries and Duties.
A Smile to Brighten ,
A World in Darkness.
Sleep to renew,
And Restore your Energy.
A Smile really Spreads,
And makes everyone Happy.
It's my hobby,
I should say.
To Sleep and Smile,
Makes my day.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Try it ..its a Super game!!..u can call it a Puzzle too. Its a Strategy game that can shape up a child's imagination . They have a website..www.funkc.com.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Single Parent Family

Reality Show "Bites"