When my yunger girl was born around 4 years ago,my elder girl was subject to so many changes in life. She was going to a day time Creche then. I too was going thru my Postpartum Blues as well. During this time,i put pressure on my elder girl to start writing. I bought her a new 4 line book and then felt she shud learn writing those days. She was 3 and a half years old. I wud have been really tuff on her, coz after a few days ,she started stammering. At first i thot it was just my imagination coz it was only a few words she was repeating. But then it was confirmed by her Teacher in her Creche that she noticed the new changes in her pattern of talking. I was shattered for a few days. I kept crying thinking what has happened. I went thru some articles that made me realise my mistake. My girl was going thru a lot of stress including the birth of a new sibling. I then devoted a whole 2 weeks to be with my child continously and listening to her every need and feelings. Showering her with all my love and affection and even bought her things she wanted. My yunger one was too small to notice my lack of attention for her ,moreover it was helpful for me , being with my parents. My Elder girl got completely free of that stammering problem. And Of course, I need to mention that its also by the Grace of God that she got well!
nakul too went thru a small phase of stammering.all that we did was ignore the habit.he came out of it quite soon.i too did exactly the same thing when mukul was born-showred all my attention on nakul.he now adores his lil bro and the lil one adores him too.Keep blogging.I love ur simple style!