It was vacation time. Mini went with her parents to the village after a very long time, to visit Grandma .Grandma gave Mini a Box, as a welcome gift, as she heard from her parents that she draws well. It didn't look extraordinary to Mini. She just took it from Grandma, without saying a "Thank You' and gave it to her Mama to keep them safe.
It was known that Grandma was sick and won't be there for Long. But Mini did not know what her sickness was. Mama told her that Grandma was suffering from Cancer."What is Cancer?", she asked her Mama. Mama said that it is a life endangering disease. But somehow Mini was too small to understand.
Grandma was always on bed,sitting and praying most of the time or doing some painting on small wooden boxes. There was a maid who used to help Grandma from her bed and give her food,medicines,make her sit in her wheelchair and take her out etc. Mini didn't know how to approach Grandma as she always looked serious.Grandma never showed her feelings outside.
One day Mini and Grandma were alone at home. Her parents had gone for a function nearby. Grandma saw Mini playing in her room. She called Mini close to her and asked her if she liked the gift Grandma gave her. Mini had forgotten about it. She ran to her room and opened Mama's cubboard and brought the Box to Grandma's room. Grandma asked Mini to open the Box and see if she liked what was inside. It was Wooden Box with some handpainting on it. THe painting was done by Grandma herself. Mini opened the Box and saw there were 20 Pencils ,all of different shades in colour. They were colour pencils. She smiled and told Grandma a "Thank You". Grandma asked her to draw and colour a kite, Mini loved to draw. She drew a kite and it looked so beautiful with the new colours. From that day onwards Mini wud sit with Grandma and draw a picture a day. Grandma would feel better when she was with Mini. She would guide her in drawing as she herself was a skilled artist.
As her vacation was drawing to an end, Mini saw Grandma getting weaker but she didn't know what was happening to her friend. Her colour pencils had grown shorter and it was getting near to impossible to colour with those short pencils. Grandma noticed her pencils had grown short.
Mini's vacation was over. She was leaving that evening to go back home and her school would open the following week. She was excited to go back,at the same time, she was feeling sad to leave Grandma. Grandma had a surprise for Mini. SHe handed Mini with a bigger box .It didn't look extraordinary but since Grandma gave it to her, she felt soo happy. She jumped and hugged Grandma and gave her a kiss and said "Thank You". Grandma's eyes filled with tears at the the thought of Mini leaving. She told Mini to open the box after she reached home. She told her to send new pictures that she wud draw by post. Mini agreed.
Mini's vacation was over. She was leaving that evening to go back home and her school would open the following week. She was excited to go back,at the same time, she was feeling sad to leave Grandma. Grandma had a surprise for Mini. SHe handed Mini with a bigger box .It didn't look extraordinary but since Grandma gave it to her, she felt soo happy. She jumped and hugged Grandma and gave her a kiss and said "Thank You". Grandma's eyes filled with tears at the the thought of Mini leaving. She told Mini to open the box after she reached home. She told her to send new pictures that she wud draw by post. Mini agreed.
They reached home the next morning. She was all excited to open the Bigger gift Box. Her Mama unpacked their luggage and gave it to her. Inside she found many gifts. There was a small pack of watercolours with a paint brush, a small hand painted wooden box, a pack of colour pencils. She was so happy to see all those small gifts. Whenever she used to draw ,she would be reminded of Grandma. She would draw new pictures and post it to Grandma. A month later, Mini was told that Grandma died. They went for her funeral. She saw her parents crying but she couldn't understand why Grandma was lying still,as she was small. But Grandma remained in her memory forever and she wud never forget that Box of Colours. Whenever she would see the hand painted Box she would be reminded of the good times she had with Grandma. That was Grandma's greatest gift to her.
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