Hello Bloggy,
Feel like ages since i've written. Hardly knew that October went by so fast.
Hello to November. The feeling of November is exciting for me coz I know Christmas time is soming soon....Wow!!...Goosebumps when i think of it!
The Month of October went by traveling a lot and to tell u the truth , its more often to my native place , Kerala. And every time I go there , I long to be there more. Its like the rootsof my native are calling to my inner self, to go and settle there. Strange that me, who likes more of a fast townlife, is wanting more to go back and live a more peaceful village life. The feeling was more this time as I fell in love with the nature there. More vegetation, pollution free air (as my dear husband tells often), fresh fruits and vegetables from ur own land. Being near our loved ones and paying visits to relatives,etc.
The love of the hens being raised (hehe, seen them since they were chickens), that come to be fed all the time, was so endearing. L and G spent a great deal of time chasing and feeding them, learning to look after them and watching the hens way of living. The hens used to go to sleep up on a tree at night for protection, as there were no coops built for them. Collecting the eggs laid by them and making the laying of eggs comfortable for the mother hens in rag- filled baskets kept here and there. There was one particular basket placed in an old store room full of old wornout stuff.
Then we have small pond there too where they had put in some aquarium fish which have mulitplied over time. It was fun to watch and study the different types and feed them too. Close to it ,we have a nice big cage with a few Love birds were bought a month ago. The cage is almost like a palace with swings for them and food and water kept for them in plenty. Recently it had four new additions and it was so cute to watch them grow and see the way the moms were feeding the young ones. They would eat the leaves of a medicinal plant which L and G loved to pluck and give.
We were there only a week but were so happy to be there. Probably its more exciting now as we go there once in a while, don't know how it will be ,if by chance we plan to settle there, once for all.