Like I told u in my previous blog that I read the Autobiography of Agatha Christie during the time I went for a Holiday to my native. I have always been her fan ever since I read her first mystery book.
My Love for Mysteries goes way back to the time when I was in the 4th Std. My favourite then was (U guessed it right!) Nancy Drew. Even Now I feel the excitement I used to have then, whenever I used get a Nancy Drew Mystery book. We still have a collection of Mystery Books at my parents house. I remember those days when the bell used to ring for the Library period in school, I used to run fast in order to reach first to get a Mystery book before anybody else laid hands on what I had not read. Then I came to know of many more books of the same category like The 3 Investigators, Hardy Boys, Famous Five, Secret Seven.....wow!! i used to be lost in the world of investigating and solving puzzles, reading those books..
Sometimes I used to put a story book inbetween my text books half-folded and pretend to study when infact I was reading a mystery. Then when the lights used to be out to sleep ,I would strain to read the book in the faroff streetlight that would slightly light up our room through the window at night. I was too crazy about such books then. When i got to college I would still read Agatha Christie and Sherlock Holmes. As time passed I got lesser access to books and I stopped reading until now. I have revived my reading habits now as I am making ways of finding time to read .
After reading Agatha Christie's Autobiography , I feel even more impressed about her. She has mentioned every tiny detail of her exciting life even from her childhood, with absolute sincerity and humility. She's even given tips on how to write detective stories which I am planning to follow shortly ;) ;)...jst kidding! I took my own time and read it without taking much breaks coz I was so engrossed in it. Inbetween I would imagine about writing my own autobiography probably naming it as "The Autobiography of a Nobody "!....I am sure it wud be a hit. ;)
Agatha has written on every aspect of her life in her book, even on her marriage, her experiences as a nurse, her relationships with every member of her family, as a mother etc with such dignity and poise. She had such great respect for everbody. Sometimes I wish if I could meet her face to face. Even though she's no more now, I salute this great Lady of the Detective World. Her books r a must read.